The Internet as we know it may change for the worse… soon
The Internet as we know it may change for the worse… soon

The Internet as we know it may change for the worse… soon

Who remembers when Comcast throttled Netflix or when AT&T blocked FaceTime? Verizon admits it will introduce “fast lanes” for sites that pay, and “slow lanes” for everyone else if the FCC lifts the current rules concerning Net Neutrality. This hurts consumers and businesses large and small. If some companies can pay ISPs to have their content load faster, startups and small businesses that can’t pay those fees won’t be able to compete. Without strong net neutrality protections, Internet providers will effectively be able to impose a tax on every sector of the American economy. They’ll be able to charge fees for website delivery that would make it harder for blogs, nonprofits, artists, and others who can’t pay up to have their voices heard. If Net Neutrality goes away, every Internet user and business in this country will be unprotected from abuse by Internet providers, and the consequences will be dire.

This video explains it well. I hope you will want to do something about it like call or write to Congress and tell them to maintain Net Neutrality.